
Wild Wonders of India

Wild Wonders of India Book

Wild Wonders of India

By Biswajit Roy Choudhury

Category: Nature & WildLife Books
ISBN: 978-81-89738-25-9
MRP: 850

Indiaโ€™s natural diversity is unmatched. From the snow-bound Himalayas to the scorching deserts, lush green forests and vast coastlines, the terrain needs more than a lifetime to be explored and seen up-close. Wild Wonders of India takes the reader through a visually delightful voyage across the length and breadth of the country, showcasing the wealth of flora and fauna that the country boasts. Specially, for the uninitiated yet inclined, Wild Wonders of India, is almost akin to a familiarisation-tour through Indiaโ€™s many splendoured forests, their wildlife specialities, and Indiaโ€™s precious wildlife reservesโ€”–its National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Tiger Reserves. Wild Wonders of India doesnโ€™t let up an opportunity to draw the readerโ€™s attention to matters more seriousโ€”it brings to fore how rapidly the list of Indiaโ€™s endangered wildlife species is growing longerโ€”a wake-up call for us to realise that not all is well on Planet Earth and we need to save it.

Format: Hard Cover
Size: 229 x 229mm
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