

Intimacies Book


By Kunal Basu

Category: Photography Books
ISBN: 978-93-81523-11-7
MRP: 1250

8000 photographs, all of them shot inside a 12-room house with 10 residents. These arenโ€™t impersonal records, but the result of a real-life journey through complex terrains of intimacies. In photographing the office-goers, the unemployed, the petty clerks, the retirees, the ageing and the unglamorous, Kushal Ray announces his loyalty towards those whoโ€™ve lost out in the race for success, for whom life must and does go on without unnecessary pathos. Poised between fiction and facts, Kunal Basuโ€™s narrative brings to life the remarkable world of the photographer and the photographed.

Format: Hard Cover
Size: 229 x 229mm
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