
Why is New Year’s Day on 1st January?

Why is New Year's Day on 1st January? Books

Why is New Year’s Day on 1st January?

By Nirmal Kanti Bhattacharjee

Category: Perky Parrot Books
ISBN: 978-93-89136-84-5
MRP: 450
Illustrated by: Shreya Duggal

What’s so special about 1st January, anyway? Why do we do
countdowns and have fireworks on 31st December every year? For
that matter, how come the whole world welcomes New Year’s Day
on the same day? OR DOES IT?
Find answers to the mysteries of calendars and dates hidden within
the pages of this book.
Take a trip around the world to figure out how similar or how
different ideas of time can be.
Along the way, take a dip into the deep universe of astronomy to
understand why we celebrate New Year’s Day on 1st January. Scan
the QR codes to find extra exciting facts and videos!

Size: 229mm x 229mm
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