
The Bag

The Bag : A Novel Book

The Bag : A Novel

By Arup Dutta

MRP: 395

The book zooms in on one-of-the-all too many poignant mini-dramas that are played out in the conflict zones of North-East India, where no one โ€˜winsโ€™. Senior Police Inspector Lahiri, with his pastiche dispassion and pretend cynicism, the dreaded United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) insurgent Hiren Bora, and his 12-year-old brother Okonโ€”each of them is a victim of circumstances not quite of their own making, portrayed with startling realism. The novel probes the psyche of a morally righteous village youth with strong ideals and big dreams, compassionately delineates his transformation into a militant, and explores into the complexity of the relationship that exists between him and his adolescent younger brotherโ€”all the while positioning them within their immediate cultural and physical landscapes. The tale unfolds at a lethargic pace, though occasionally punctuated with short yet furious bursts of violent action, leading inexorably to a dramatic climax. In the process, the reader is subjected to an overwhelming gamut of experiences and emotions, often brutal and inevitably tragic.

Format: Paperback
Size: 216 x 140mm
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