
Pioneering Parsis of Calcutta

Pioneering Parsis of Calcutta Book

Pioneering Parsis of Calcutta

By Prochy N Mehta

Category: History Books

Pioneering Parsis of Calcutta owes its origin to its authorโ€™s passionate desire to learn more about her Parsi heritage by enquiring into the communityโ€™s recent history. This initial curiosity turned into a voyage of discovery which changed her perception of her community and awoke in her an intense pride in the Parsi stalwarts of yesteryear. Mehtaโ€™s meticulous research reaped rich dividends as she slowly dusted off the cobwebs of history that revealed the pioneering Parsisโ€™ arduous journey to Calcutta, their forward thinking, their broad-minded approach, their willingness to give and to improve the lives of all around them. These extraordinary Parsi men and women played a prominent role in society by taking upon themselves the responsibility of helping one and all regardless of class, caste, creed or colour. Their ability in business and faith in the future was matchless. These early Parsis were not afraid of taking on the establishment and fought publicly to resolve disputes where the orthodox members were unwilling to give the reformists their way.

This book is a treasure trove of facts about the rich Parsi heritage of Kolkata. The nuggets of information and history documented in this book is an effort to preserve the knowledge gained from painstaking research. 

Prochy N Mehtaโ€™s work is a labour of love that reveals the past and makes it an open book for the community in Calcutta.

Format: Hardback with dust Jacket
Size: 228 mm x 152 mm
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