New York City-based writer, Shaili Kapoor, is shocked to find out about her mother, Meena Kapoorโs death. Meena had drowned herself in Pashan Lake in Shailiโs hometown Pune, in India. When she was younger, Shaili and her mother would often spend time at the lake, without the knowledge of her father, Suresh Kapoor and younger sister, Tanisha. Shaili is devastated; apart from her childhood friend Supriya, her mother was the only connection she had with India or her past over the past fifteen years. Even as a young adult, Shaili had estranged relations with her old-fashioned, alcoholic father, but when he found out about Shailiโs divorce and about the new love in her life, he was livid. Both he and Tanisha ostracized her. But Shaili was always astonished at how accepting her mother was of her decision. Between the time Shaili finds out about her motherโs death and reaches India for the last rites, she discovers a deep secret about the mother she worshipped and the father she grew up to loathe. Nothing is as it seems. Shaili knows the time has come for her to make peace with her father. Will Shaili find peace in knowing the mystique behind every occurence associated with Pashan Lake and the reason for her motherโs suicide? More importantly, will Shaili and her father ever accept each otherโs personal choices? Perfectly Untraditional unravels unconventional and untold tales of families, friendships, love, loyalty, relationships, and tradition.