
My Paper Half

My Paper Half Book

My Paper Half

By Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay

Category: Fiction Books, Thornbird Books, Translation Books
ISBN: 978-93-83098-52-1
MRP: 195
Translated by: Soma Das

โ€œI once dreamt of a man handing out rupee notes instead of handbills …โ€ Not only did Upal have such a dream, it was something he actually believed in and wished to accomplish someday. From a meagre background of almost non-existent means, Upal was plagued by unremitting and unpredictable hunger pangs. They drove him to abandon his scruples and grasp any and every opportunity which so much as flickered with the promise of money. He trampled his self-respect and clung like a parasite to childhood friend Subinoyโ€™s household … all for a square meal a day. From time to time, his conscience did attempt to awaken the human in him; but it was no match for the combined drive of Upalโ€™s need and greed. Yet, was it worth? Did it open the doors to happiness? Or did Upal get taken for a ride in his own cart?

Format: Paperback
Size: 215 x 140mm
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