
Is Your Mind Really Yours?

Is Your Mind Really Yours? : Break Free from the Shackles of a Programmed Life Book

Is Your Mind Really Yours? : Break Free from the Shackles of a Programmed Life

By Ajay Sachdeva

Category: Self Help Books
ISBN: 978-9386906045
MRP: 395

The cornerstone of this lively and highly readable book is the idea of operating from the โ€˜free spiritโ€™ as opposed to the programmed mind. In doing so, one can truly experience freedom, growth, and contentment. Ajay Sachdeva asserts that life, at its core, is centred on the relationship one has with oneโ€™s selfโ€”that is, with oneโ€™s thoughts and emotions. These in turn influence oneโ€™s relationship with oneโ€™s โ€˜externalโ€™ world, including families, friends, society and the workplace. Is Your Mind Really Yours? raises several important questions for the readers to reflect on. It invites them to examine life from another perspective: the setting free of conditioned ideas, belief systems and stereotypesโ€”all of which never belonged to individuals in the first place. It is in this establishing of the connection with the inner true self that they can begin to feel the liberation that was always within them but got caged in a mental trap.

Format: Paper Back
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