
In Search of a New Afghanistan

In Search of a New Afghanistan Book

In Search of a New Afghanistan

By Sujeet Sarkar

Category: Current affairs Books, Paper Missile Books, Politics Books
ISBN: 978-93-81523-42-1
MRP: 395

Where is present-day Afghanistan heading? Will the dream of a new and stable Afghanistan, elude the international community, and more importantly its own denizens, forever? On the eve of departure of the Western forces, in the midst of a resurgent Taliban and growing speculation around the stability of this country, In search of a New Afghanistan takes an incisive look into Afghanistan, with an attempt to apprise the international audience about this conflict ridden country, post 9/11. An easy-to-understand tale, for all and sundry, it is a bold attempt to release one from the mainstream rhetoric, perceptions and opinion on Afghanistan.

The book undertakes a fresh probe into the development and reconstruction process of Afghanistan, post 9/11 and provides valuable insight into the contemporary challenges confronting Afghanistan today? It provides a daring new outlook, denouncing several myths that colour common global perception of this war ravaged country. Further, several lesser known facts are unveiled, helping to create an alternative understanding about Afghanistan, for the first time.

That Afghanistan can be fascinating place to live in and even fall in love with, despite the ongoing hurdles, is difficult to comprehend for most. These fascinating aspects are dwelt upon, while, elaborating, the thrill and challenges of working in Afghanistan, from ground zero.

Format: Paperback
Size: 216 X 140mm
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