
Higher Than Everest

Higher Than Everest : Memoirs of a Mountaineer Book

Higher Than Everest : Memoirs of a Mountaineer

By H.P.S. Ahluwalia

Category: Memoir Books
ISBN: 978-93-85285-26-4
MRP: 695

This is the inspiring true story of one of Indiaโ€™s most iconic mountaineers โ€“ Major HPS Ahluwalia, who was the member of Indiaโ€™s first successful expedition to Everest. But the story does not end with this spectacular achievement. In fact this is where the real story begins โ€“ for the struggle to climb Everest was but a preparation for an even bigger challenge that lay ahead. Just four months after his success, Major Ahluwalia suffered a grievous spinal injury in the Indo-Pak war of 1965. In a man of lesser courage, this could have destroyed his spirit but in Major Ahluwaliaโ€™s case, it ignited a deep passion. This is the story of how he fought โ€˜the impossible fightโ€™ towards rehabilitation and how he achieved the โ€˜seemingly unattainable dreamโ€™ of building Indiaโ€™s first world class Spinal Injuries Centre. This is ultimately the story of how Major Ahluwalia conquered a Summit even higher than the Everest, the Summit of the Mind.

Format: Hard Cover
Size: 226 x 148 mm
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