
A Word Thrice Uttered

A Word Thrice Uttered : Stories on Life's Realities Book

A Word Thrice Uttered : Stories on Life's Realities

By Parveen Talha

Category: Fiction Books, Olive Turtle Books
ISBN: 978-93-85285-87-5
MRP: 350

A Word Thrice Uttered: Stories on Lifeโ€™s Realities is a collection of short stories portraying the diverse realities of life through the protagonists โ€“ children, women, men, animals, even supernaturals. While Ratanโ€™s story is one of irreparable damage to a childโ€™s psyche, through callous handling, spilling onto his adult life, Ram Khilawanโ€™s is a contrast where familial love inspires a child to put aside his trauma and attain the impossible despite poverty. Who would believe that, even in independent India, children are bought and soldย  to slog as cheap labour? Where children are not spared, what would the plight of animals be! But here the author infuses hope through stories where animals return in equal measure the love and trust they receive from humans who treat them as family.

Readers meet fascinating women confronted with irresponsible men and downright evil ones too. But nothing stops these women from taking the first step to a leap into liberation and self-empowerment. There are gentle touches into sensitive areas, through the thought processes of little Aslam and the experiences of Hafizji and his family. Panditayin, wrapped in the Ganga-Jumuni tehzeeb, makes readers long to turn the clock, back into that golden era. The supernatural characters here are not the run-of-the-mill horror models. Their stories have a plot, run on a theme and have turns and twists, which make these Supernaturals lovable!

Format: Paper Back
Size: 216 x 140mm
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