Authors Biography
Sumanta Bhowmick
Sumanta K Bhowmick spent his early life in Bhagalpur before moving to Delhi to work in the Parliament in 1996. He studied science and literature, completing his doctoral thesis on the poetry of Rabindranath Tagore and Emily Dickinson. Sumanta has published books of translation and contributed research articles, short stories, and essays to various journals. Commuting to his office through Central Vista triggered his imagination, transporting him to the days when kings rode the roads of New Delhi, the Imperial capital, and led him to the story of the princely palaces in Princes’ Park. His passion for the history of Delhi deepened with friends in the group Knowing and Loving Delhi Better (KLoDB), walking together every Sunday. Sumanta has contributed to plaques at Mandi House metro station and Cochin House. He delivered a lecture at the University of Oxford on the princely palaces in New Delhi. The spirit of Delhi, past and present, endlessly fascinates him.