
Malathi Ramachandran

Author Malathi Ramachandran

Authors Biography

Malathi Ramachandran

Malathiย Ramachandranย is a masters in Mass Communication,ย and began her foray into fiction writingย with several short stories publishedย in magazines and anthologies. She isย the author of four novels, the last twoย titles The Legend of Kuldhara (2017) andย Mandu (2020) in the genre of historicalย fiction. Fascinated by India's rich pastย and the many human stories of loveย and loss buried beneath the largerย narratives, Malathi endeavours in herย novels not just to re-create history as itย happened long ago, but to also exploreย the lives and relationships of those whoย lived in those times. If I can pull India'sย past out of the dreary books of historyย and bring it alive for my readers, I'dย have achieved my purpose of writingย historical fiction, she says.
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