
Haris Qadeer

Author Haris Qadeer

Authors Biography

Haris Qadeer

Haris Qadeer Haris Qadeer teaches at the Department of English, University of Delhi, India. He was a UGC-DAAD visiting fellow to the Department of English, Potsdam University, Germany in 2019. He has also received the Charles Wallace Visiting fellowship to the Kingย’s College, London, UK (2022).He has translated writings of Rokeya Hosain Sakhwat, Krishan Chander, Joginder Paul, Anis Rafi, Saadat Hasan Manto, Balraj Menra, Zafar Ali Khan, and Tarannum Riyaz. He has co-edited the special issue of Thesis Eleven on Postcolonial World Literature and Sultanaย’s Sisters: Genre, Genre, and Genealogy in South Asian Muslim Womenย’s Fiction (2021). His forthcoming projects include Speaking Silence: Short Fiction by Indian Muslim Women (2022) and an English translation of a Hindi play.ย 
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