
Kheer-er Putul

Kheer-er Putul : The Doll Made of Sweetmeat Book

Kheer-er Putul : The Doll Made of Sweetmeat

By Abanindranath Tagore

Category: Perky Parrot Books
ISBN: 978-93-91125-76-9
MRP: 199
Translated by: Urbi Bhaduri
Illustrated by: Ranjan Verma

Kheer-er Putul is the touching tale of a king, his twoย queens, a doll made of a typical Bengali sweet calledย kheer, and an extraordinary, talking monkey!ย 

Magical gifts are bought with shipfuls of gold.ย  malevolent witch sells mouth-watering sweets lacedย with viper venom! A hungry goddess (along with herย cats) gives in to sweet temptation. Children play in anย enchanted realm, invisible to the plain eye.

Will the witty monkey be able to save the day?

Woven by the tender, bright imagination of a gifted storyteller and artist, and crafted with words carefullyย chosen, like the perfect casting of a spell, this story flies usย on a magic carpet into an unforgettable experience of theย kingdom of childhood.

Originally written in Bengali by Abanindranathย Tagore, Kheer-er Putul is an evergreen childrenโ€™s classic.

Format: Paperback
Size: 5 x 7 inches
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