
Homi J Bhabha

Homi J Bhabha : A Renaissance Man among Scientists BookHomi J Bhabha : A Renaissance Man among Scientists Book

Homi J Bhabha : A Renaissance Man among Scientists

By Biman Nath

MRP: 299

Homi Jehangir Bhabha was a nuclear physicist whoย pioneered the Indian nuclear research programme. Oftenย hailed as the father of Indiaโ€™s nuclear power project,ย his ambition, far sightedness and enterprise shaped theย development of modern science in India. Understandingย the need for achieving self-reliance, he laid theย framework for nuclear research in India by foundingย theTata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) andย the Atomic Energy Establishment, Trombay (AEET),ย later renamed Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)ย in his honour. Bhabha achieved international prominenceย for his trailblazing studies in the field of Atomic Energy,ย while his role of scientist-diplomat, handled with aplomb,ย gained worldwide recognition in the global arena.

This compelling monograph brings to light the life andย times of Homi Jehangir Bhabha. It outlines the story ofย his life, his early work on cosmic rays, which remained aย lifelong obsession, his struggles to translate theories intoย experiments, and his achievements. This deeply evocativeย work portrays Bhabhaโ€™s visionary foresight in anticipatingย the urgent need for high-quality facilities in India toย pursue research on nuclear energy. It also speaks of hisย passionate interest in art and architecture, drawing andย painting, and his love for classical music, which made himย stand out as a renaissance man among scientists.

Comprehensive and reflective, this monographย encapsulates Bhabhaโ€™s vision for India and sheds light onย his rich legacy. His legendary leadership in organizingย scientific research in India, his drive and passion continueย to inspire generations of students in India.

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