
Rediscovering Narmada Valley

Rediscovering Narmada Valley Book

Rediscovering Narmada Valley

By Adil Khan

MRP: 695

Narmada, the fifth longest river in the Indian subcontinent, has been the lifeline of the valley since time immemorial. The river winds its way through four states of Indiaโ€”Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh. Post-independence, Government of India proposed to build several dam projects on Narmada with the aim of providing drinking water, irrigation, and power for the increasing population. However, Narmada has always remained a conflict zone, be it for the disputes between the states for water share, the raising of concerns by the social activists and environmentalists for the ecological degradation caused by the projects, or the arresting issue of displacement and rehabilitation. Narmada Valley has been a subject of wider discussion at the national and international level.

Format: Hardback with dust jacket
Size: 228 mm x 152 mm
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