
The Incident at Saheb Bagan

The Incident at Saheb Bagan Book

The Incident at Saheb Bagan

By Paushali Ganguli

Category: Children Books
ISBN: 978-93-81523-67-4
MRP: 195

Anand is a suspicious, slightly obsessive, eleven-year-old child who thinks that adults are more often than not more crazy and irresponsible than children. He is at heart a bureaucratic little boy who feels safe when bound by rules and regulations, which his happy-go-lucky parents fail to provide, leading him to feel extremely vulnerable and insecure. He dislikes adventures or unplanned trips but he is forced to travel to a distant village with his documentary filmmaker parents who want to โ€˜shootโ€™ ghosts. Along with their driver Kammu who is an ex-con, they set off to explore the story behind the ghosts that haunt โ€˜Saheb Baganโ€™, a mysterious country estate close to the border of West Bengal and Bangladesh.

Format: Paperback
Size: 216 x 140mm
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